Python FAQs: Technical & Career Oriented Questions For Beginners

  • For what job positions can I apply after learning Python?!
  • I am new to programming so which language should I learn Python or JAVA?
  • Is Python used in Azure/AWS cloud models?

Are you getting started with Python and have such questions in mind🤔? Then you are at the right place, will help you get your doubts cleared and help you understand what the hype about this language is!!

So let’s get started


1.) What are the key features of Python?

Ans: This is among the most asked Python FAQ as to why the python language is so popular nowadays or what are the features which have made it the preferred language among the techies today.

Python is a free, object-oriented, functional programming language that came in 1989 by Guido Van Rossum. Some of the key features include:

a. Interpreted
b. Dynamically typed

c. Open Source & free

d. Object-oriented

e. Easy to code

f. High- level

g. Large & standard library support

h. Supports GUI

i. Portable

Python FAQs: python features

2.) What is the difference between .py and .pyc files?

Ans: The .py files are the python source code files. While the .pyc files contain the bytecode of the python files. .pyc files are created when the code is imported from some other source. The interpreter converts the source .py files to .pyc files which helps by saving time.


3.) How to install Python on Windows and set path variables?

Ans: To install Python on Windows, follow the below steps:

a. Install python from the official site.
b. After this, install it on your PC. Look for the location where PYTHON has been installed on your PC using the following command on your command prompt: cmd python.
c. Then go to advanced system settings and add a new variable and name it as PYTHON_NAME and paste the copied path.

Look for the path variable, select its value and select ‘edit’.
d. Add a semicolon towards the end of the value if it’s not present and then type %PYTHON_HOME%

4.) What are the common and easy-to-use python IDEs/Code editors to practice programming?

Ans: An integrated development environment (IDE) is software for building applications that combines common developer tools into a single graphical user interface (GUI). An Integrated Development Environment is also one of these projects created to bind the tasks of writing, debugging, testing, and executing the code of the software.

A code editor is a text editor that highlights the syntax and formats the code. Advanced code editors can develop and modify code.

There are various IDEs and code editors available today which are easy to use and are free. Some common and most used are:

a. Visual Studio Code (VSCode)
b. Jupyter Notebook

c. Sublime Text Editor

d. PyCharm


5.) What is the difference between Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab?

Ans: Jupyter Notebook is a web-based interactive computational environment for creating Jupyter notebook documents that supports several languages like Python, R, etc., and is largely used for data analysis, data visualization, and more.
JupyterLab is the next-generation user interface including notebooks. It has a modular structure, where you can open several notebooks or files (e.g. HTML, Text, etc) as tabs in the same window. It offers more of an IDE-like experience.

Also Read: Our blog post on Python loops.


6.) Is Python easier than Java?

Ans: Java is a statically typed and compiled language, and Python is a dynamically typed and interpreted language. This single difference makes Java faster at runtime and easier to debug, but Python is easier to use and easier to read. Python has gained popularity, in large part, due to its communicative; people just grasp it easier. With it, the libraries for Python are immense, so a new programmer will not have to start from scratch. Java is old and still widely used, so it also has a lot of libraries and a community for support. This is also among the most asked Python FAQ by beginners or who are just starting with programming.

Another most commonly asked Python FAQ was that that do the top cloud providers use Python or are there provisions to use Python with the top cloud providers in the market, so here is the answer to it.

Check Out: Our blog post on Python Function.


7.) How is Python used in Azure & AWS Cloud?

Ans: Microsoft Azure, you can create web apps, machine learning models where you use Python code to train and deploy models using SDK or in DevOps. In Azure, you have the Azure Machine Learning studio where you can build, train, test, and deploy models, and similarly, in AWS we have the SageMaker for machine learning models and all these platforms support Python.
Also, Python is now very commonly used in Google Cloud also to create deployment templates, AI notebooks, Cloud Run, etc..


8.) Is Python a part of DevOps or DevOps part of Python?

Ans: Yes Python is part of DevOps. Many DevOps teams utilize it for building web applications for visualizing custom data, building custom utilities, and more.

9.) What are the common built-in data types in Python?

Ans: Python provides the following built-in data types:

1.) Mutable built-in types are:

a. List

b. Sets

c. Dictionaries

2.) Immutable built-in types are:

a. Strings

b. Tuples

c. Numbers


10.) Is Python an Interpreted or a Compiled language?

Ans: Python is an interpreted language. It converts the source code that is written by the programmer into an intermediate language, which is again translated into machine language before being executed.

Also Check: Our blog post on Data Science Career.



1.) What are the job opportunities after learning python?

Ans: The job opportunities are immense in the IT world today. The most popular and in demand job profiles like data scientists, data engineers, developers, machine learning engineers, artificial intelligence practitioners, etc. prefer python over other languages. So with Python knowledge, you can mold your career in these fields.


2.) I am new to programming so should I start with basic C++/JAVA or I can start with Python?

Ans: You can directly start with Python as all these languages are object-oriented but Python is easier to grasp and code owing to its easy syntax, huge library support.
It is still common to start students with procedural and statically typed languages such as Pascal, C, or a subset of C++ or Java but students may be better served by learning Python as their first language.

3.) What certifications are there in Python?

Ans: There is no specific certification but this basic course will help candidates with the concepts required in clearing Microsoft Azure Data Scientist certification [DP-100], Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals [AI-900], Azure AI Engineer Associate [AI-102], Azure Data Engineer Associate [DP-203] and AWS Machine Learning certification.

4.) What are the salary prospects to expect after learning Python and getting into some decent career field?

Ans: Salary Prospect depends from company to company and your technical fluency. But if you are the right person for a job and have the best-suited skills you will get a decent sum.


5.) Which major top giants are using or have adopted Python in their business or are working on Python projects?

Ans: Many of the leading organizations are using Python or are working on Python projects for their clients including Netflix, Google, Spotify, Reddit, Uber, and more..


6.) I am working in the banking & finance sector, so how will Pyhton be useful to me and how can I mention it in my resume?

Ans: All the major finance/banking sectors use Python today for running their software because of the library support that it provides like Pandas which simplifies the data visualization process and allows users to carry out statistical calculations which are a major part and comprises 85% of the work in these industries. So having basic-advance python knowledge will help you with your statistical analysis & visualizations and will also give you leverage over other candidates/fellow employees.
And today major banks like JP Morgan, Bank Of America, etc have their backend software programmed in Python( which was earlier in C++ or Java).
So here were some of the common Python FAQ asked in our Python FREE Class.


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