AWS DevOps Interview

The present-day job selection procedures put great value on technical concepts. So, it is always best to prepare your answers to AWS DevOps Engineer interview questions beforehand.

aws devops

Are you getting started with AWS DevOps Engineer and have such questions in mind🤔? Then you are at the right place, will help you get your doubts cleared and help you understand what the hype about this language is!!

So let’s get started


Question 1: What does a DevOps Engineer do?

Ans: A DevOps Engineer is in charge of managing an organization’s IT infrastructure based on the

urgent need for software code in a hybrid and multi-faceted environment.
A DevOps Engineer’s important tasks include provisioning and building appropriate deployment
models, as well as validation and performance monitoring..

Role of devops engineer

Question 2: Explain CodePipeline in AWS DevOps??

Ans: CodePipeline is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) service that provides continuous integration and
delivery services. In addition, it contains provisions for infrastructure updates.
With the established release model protocols that a user defines, operations such as building, testing, and
deploying after each build become relatively simple. AWS CodePipeline ensures that new software
upgrades and features be delivered reliably and without downtime.


Question 3: What is AWS Lambda in AWS DevOps?

Ans: AWS Lambda is a compute service that allows users to run programs without having to provide or manage servers. Users can run any code for their applications or services using AWS Lambda without any prior integration. It’s as simple as submitting a code and letting Lambda handle the rest of the work to run and scale it..

AWS Lambda

Question 4: Explain Amazon EC2 in brief.

Ans: Amazon EC2, also known as Elastic Compute Cloud, is a secure web service that aims to deliver scalable cloud computing capability. It is a key feature of AWS and one of the most widely utilized clouds compute services, assisting developers by making the Cloud Computing process simple and uncomplicated.

Question 5: What is Amazon S3 in AWS DevOps??

Ans: Simple Storage Service, or Amazon S3, is an object storage service that gives consumers a simple and easy-to-use interface for storing data and retrieving it when and when they need it.


AWS DevOps Engineer Interview QUESTIONS

AWS DevOps IQ Guide