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5-Day Series Guide for Kubernetes


FREE-5 Day (5 Emails over 5 Days)
You are Going To Learn About:

Day 01

Kubernetes - What, why and architecture (Overview), Kubernetes Building Blocks - Pods, Service, Volume, Namespace, Deployments, ReplicaSets, DaemonSets, StatefulSets

Day 02

Kubernetes Installation Options & Install Kubernetes using Kubeadm (3 node cluster setup)

Day 03

Kubernetes Pods & How to create, Kubernetes Services, Load Balancer, Networking, Ingress Controller and Deployment

Day 04

HPA, Scheduling, Kubernetes Storage - PV, PVC & Storage Class, Configmap, Secrets

Day 05

Kubernetes Security - RBAC, Security Context, etcd Backup & Restore, K8s Cluster Upgrade

How You Will Learn?

Once You Sign Up for the training,
You will receive one e-mail Per
Day For 5 Days.

 Keep an eye in your Inbox to receive lessons for the next 5 days containing important blog links,
FREE class links, etc.

Meet Your Personal Mentor, Atul Kumar...

Hey there, I’m Atul Kumar! I’ve been in the IT field for over two decades (which is basically a century in Cloud years 😉. In these times of global uncertainty, everyone should brush up their skills and learn something new...

Since Kubernetes is the most 'hot & trending' in the containerization world, most of the IT professionals are Kubernetes certification aspirants because of the undisputed value it holds.

Get ahead from others with Certified Kubernetes Administrator as Certification is a key step in that process, allowing certified administrators to quickly establish their credibility and value in the job market, and also allowing companies to quickly hire high-quality teams to support their growth.

So, I'm planning to share essential topics related to Kubernetes through 5 day-wise emails.

Sounds GOOD?
Take that first step even if it feels more like a leap of faith!
ALL my best,
